Monday, December 15, 2014

Purposeful Landing Pages

Persuasion As Purpose

Landing pages are an important part of any marketing strategy. If you have an e-commerce presence it matters how the audience responds on the first page they see. You can control that with a carefully designed landing page.
The power of these deceptively simple pages is that they stand alone, without reference to a single website. This gives them a versatility that is hard to match. You have the flexibility to choose the domain they represent so that the traffic they draw can be directed in any way that suits your purpose.

Drive Through Landing Pages

When you need to win commitment from your prospects, a well-made landing page is a great tool to start the process and warm them up, without overwhelming them with information.
Win the small yes of following through to the next step to lead customers to the ultimate purchase decision. A stand-alone landing page gives you the flexibility to send the traffic to where every you need and you can ask the visitors with whatever call to action you need.

List Building Landing Pages

When you are working to build a relationship with your audience, you want to build trust and confidence in your services and products.
That means using email newsletters and social media connections to create the to share value with your customers. This might be something like a whitepaper or access to premium content.
Landing pages are very valuable tools. They serve the purposes of persuading your market, assisting in calling customers to action, and building relationships by collecting information. This makes stand-alone landing pages the right choice for many different applications and situations.

This was just a light overview of the subject there is much more that you need to get the most out of landing pages. The CEO of AnaZana Inc. Lidija Skolnija will be giving a seminar to share her vast experience in stand-alone landing page design. This will be a learning experience that delivers a high return on investment. Co-Merge in San Diego on Wednesday December 17th, 2014. Follow this link for further information

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